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40 Day Shiur

We are in the process of uploading the videos of past classes. It will take some time. Please bear with us.

Perek Daled

Video List

  1. Day 21 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. What About Aspects of Life Not Connected to Torah (It's a Trick Question)
  2. Day 22 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Emunah and Bitachon Bring Emotional Health
  3. Day 23 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Following Hashem's Plan
  4. Day 24 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Bitachon's in the Details - and it's a Powerful Zechus
  5. Day 25 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Having Bitachon When Things Go Well
  6. Day 26 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Breaking Out of the "Hishtadlus Spiral"
  7. Day 27 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Maintaining Bitachon When It's Too Little or Late
    2. Seeing Hashem's Goodness in the 'When' & 'How'
  8. Day 28
  9. Day 29
  10. Day 30
  11. Day 31
  12. Day 32
  13. Day 33

See the full Table of Contents (above the video) for more videos in the series.

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