Course at Shaarei Zion
Four-part class on Emunah and Bitachon.
Recent Shiurim Playlist
Recently broadcast Shiurim and classes.
Preparing for
Rosh HaShanah 5785Davening for our Needs:
Once More, With Feeling -
Double Dose
of Bitachon (7/18)Rabbi Rubashkin is joined by R’ Michael Safdie of the popular “Daily Bitachon” Shiur
40 Day Shiur
Focused study of Shaar HaBitachon
Shaar HaBitachon
The weekly Thursday night Shiur
Crash Course in Shaar Bitachon
Four-part Series
Here and NowThe attack on Eretz Yisroel and preparations for war.
Pesach 5784
Important lessons for and from Pesach.
Pre-Pesach 5783
Important lessons for and from Pesach.
Check Back Soon
We'll be adding more video Shiurim in the near future.
40 Day Shaar HaBitachon Shiur
Learn Shaar HaBitachon with Rabbi Rubashkin.
Rosh HaShanah 5785
Davening for our Needs: Once More, With Feeling
Double Dose of Bitachon (7/18)
Rabbi Rubashkin is joined by R’ Michael Safdie of the popular “Daily Bitachon” Shiur
Pesach 5784
Download Audio
Shaar Avodas Elokim
Study Shaar Avodas Elokim with Rabbi Rubashkin.
Recent Shiurim Playlist
Recently broadcast Shiurim and classes.
Bitachon, Purim, and Current Events
Lessons of Bitachon from Purim.
Questions, Answers, and Observations
A deeper dive into topics covered in the 40-day Shiur
Zos Chanukah 5784
Annual Evening of Chizuk and Simcha, thanking Hashem for His great nes
Crash Course in Shaar HaBitachon
A four-part ongoing series in response to current events.
Check Back Soon
We'll be adding more audio Shiurim in the near future.