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40 Day Shiur

We are in the process of uploading the videos of past classes. It will take some time. Please bear with us.

Perek Gimmel

Video List

  1. Day 10 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Faith & Discernment: The Role of Understanding in Bitachon
    2. Same Factors, Different Order: This Time We're Talking about Hashem
  2. Day 11 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Aren't my Problems (and Mitzvos) Too Small to the Infinite Creator?
  3. Day 12
  4. Day 13 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. A Real Claim on Grounds of Sincerity
    2. Trust in Him Alone - There's No Other Power in Creation
  5. Day 14 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. He's Kind to the Unworthy - I'm Committed to Do His Will
  6. Day 15 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Learning about Sibos from R' Chanina ben Dosa
  7. Day 16 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. More Bitachon=Less Sibos - A Story of R' Zushe
  8. Day 17 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. First Questions First: What Should I Think When Bitachon DOES Work?
  9. Day 18 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. The General, All-Purpose Answer to "Why?" - You've Got Mail!
  10. Day 19 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Making Decisions About Our Hishtadlus
  11. Day 20 Questions, Answers, & Observations
    1. Understanding Delays Correctly: It's not the Hishtadlus
    2. Bonus Purim Story: The Hishtadlus of Simcha

See the full Table of Contents (above the video) for more videos in the series.

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